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AwakeMUD is a Multi User Dungeon based on the TRPG Shadowrun, specifically the 3rd edition.
Getting Started FAQ
Character Creation Walkthrough (page under construction)
House Rules (deviations from official canon), implementation details and potential gotchas
Sunny's Guide to Runner Slang Helpful list of Shadowrun Slang
List of grid locations
Runner Directory a list of player characters
Background Helper List of questions for people struggling to write a background
On the Subject of Magic IC article, roleplaying background info for mages and shamans
Aliases to streamline the routine
Help files A list of help files for the MUD.
Armor Layering Calculator to help you calculate armor values, or read up on armor layering rules.
'ware all the cyberware and bioware information your little criminal heart desires (under construction)
List of Incompatible Cyberware and Bioware
Khai's Cyberware/Bioware Musings
Races In-Character views on speciesism
Mundane Primer
Khai's Combat Numerics
Decker Archetype
Decking with Daiquiri Quickstart Guide (in world/in character guide) last updated ~2021, may be out-of-date
Riv's Opiniated Guide to Deckbuilding Quickstart Guide (in world/in character guide) last updated ~2021, may be out-of-date
Sunny's Guide to Decking Walkthrough / FAQ (in world/in character guide)
Sunny's Guide to Programming and Deckbuilding Walkthrough (in world/in character guide)
Khai's Guide to the Amateur Decker
Traps in the 'trix Documentation not listed anywhere else
Decker Quests A bit of information on the special Decker Quests
Street Samurai Archetype
Dashing Through the Shadows (a build guide)
Hail's Riggering Guide last updated ~2021, may be out-of-date
Azazel's Rigger Notes
Bishi's Rigging Guide
Vehicle Mod Slots
DocMadigan Enterprises LLC (Cyberdoc Services, Gear)\\
Roleplaying Run FAQ (Information on Pruns, ImmRuns, and Events)
PGHQ Guidelines
• PGHQ Gear Rules
Syspoint Bounties