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Sunny's Guide to Runner Slang

(Or: One elf's journey through the incomprehensible 6th World)

  • Ace: n. Best in their field.
  • arc: n. An arcology.
  • arctic: adj. Good, great.
  • angel: n. A benefactor, especially an unknown one.
  • ASIST: n. “Artificial Sensory Induction System Technology.” The industry name for simsense.
  • Avatar: n. Decker slang for a personal Matrix icon. See also, persona.
  • Awakened Creature: n. A critter altered genetically by the return of magic, eg, Hellhounds.
  • Azzie: n. Member of Aztechnology, derogatory
  • barrens: n. The bad side of town, the skids.
  • Badge: n. Police or corporate Security
  • bakebrain: v. idiot, jerk, moron - someone with limited or damaged mental faculties.
  • bagged and tagged: n., v., dead, to die.
  • beetle: n. A BTL chip.
  • Big A: n. Short for Aztechnology
  • Big D: n. Short for Dunkelzahn (the Dragon)
  • Big R: n. Short for Renraku
  • Bit Jockey: n. programmer.
  • Biz: n. In the context of Shadowruning, Crime.
  • body shop: n. an establishment offering cyberware (and bioware) implants. Unlicensed establishments are called chop shops.
  • brain tap: n. datajack or chipjack.
  • breeder: n. Ork slang for a “normal” Human.
  • bug: n. An insect spirit. THESE ARE TERRIFYING.
  • burn out: n. a magician who has lost much of their magical ability due to installing cyberware. Also v., to lose your magical ability this way, and as an adj., “burned out.”
  • business: n. In slang context, crime, Also “Biz.”
  • buzz: v. Go away. Buzz off.
  • cetheral: adj. (Sperethiel) A rare pearly, iridescent skin color unique to elves.
  • chill: adj. Good, cool, acceptable. v. To calm oneself.
  • chiphead: n. A junkie addicted to BTLs
  • chip truth: n. A fact or honest statement.
  • chipped: adj. Senses, skills, reflexes, muscles, and so on, enhanced by cyberware.
  • chop shop: n. An unlicensed body shop.
  • chrome: n. External cyberware.
  • crash, the: n. Worldwide network failure of 2029 1)
  • chummer n. Friend, used in the same sense as “pal” or “buddy.”
  • cleaner: n. An assassin (or team) used to eliminate all traces of a mission, including the participants.
  • comm: n. Short for commlink, your phone, handheld computer, music player, game device, and more in the palm of your hand.
  • corp: n. Corporation., adj. Corporate
  • cred n. Money. Reputation, especially good reputation.
  • cyberzombie: n. A person who has so many cybernetic implants they are no longer considered human or alive.
  • dandelion eater: n. Elf or elven. Highly Insulting.
  • dataslave: n. Corporate decker or other data processing employee.
  • datasteal: n. Theft of data from a computer, usually by decking.
  • deck: n. A cyberdeck. Or, v. To use a cyberdeck, usually illegally.
  • deckhead: n. Simsense abuser; anyone with a datajack or chipjack.
  • delta: adj., n. Highest quality of wetware.
  • Domo: expression. (Japanese) thanks. Domo Arigato (Japanese) thank you very much.
  • Doc Wagon: n. Ambulence/paramedic. Your trusted for-profit healthcare providers across the UCAS!
  • drek: n. (vul) feces, excrement, as in “bulldrek!” or “drek-for-brains”. adj: Drekky
  • dump: v. To be involuntarily ejected from the Matrix or rigged vehicle.
  • dumpshock: n. Nausea and disorientation from being Dumped out of a simsense interface (usually the Matrix or a remote control rig)
  • Dunkelzahn: n. (circa 13,000 BC – August 9, 2057) Western Great Dragon who was the 7th Elected President of the UCAS.
  • exec: n. Corporate executive.
  • extraction: v. A corporate kidnapping.
  • face: n. A shadowrunner specializing in social interaction.
  • fetishman: n. A talismonger.
  • Fixer: n. A go-between, deal maker, information broker.
  • frag: v. Common swear word; To desire or take joy in someone's death. Adj: Fragging. Derived from “Frag”-grenade.
  • fragged: adj. (vul) Broken, in trouble.
  • geek: v. To kill.
  • go-gang: n. A motorized gang.
  • go-go-go: n. A bike gang or gang member.
  • halfer: n. Dwarf or dwarven. Racially derogatory.
  • heatwave: n. Police crackdown.
  • hoi: interj. (Dutch) Familiar greeting
  • hoop: n. (vul) A common curse word referring to a person's backside.
  • hose: v. Louse up. Screw up.
  • ice: n. Security software. “Intrusion Countermeasures,” or IC.
  • to get iced: v. To get killed by IC.
  • jack: v. jack in, or enter cyberspace. jack out, or to leave cyberspace.
  • jander: v. To walk in an arrogant yet casual manner; to strut.
  • Japanacorps: n. Slang for Japanese AAA-corporations
  • keeb: n. (vul) An Elf. From “Keebler Elves.” Highly insulting.
  • kobun: n. (Japanese). Member of a Yakuza clan.
  • meat: n. Decker slang. An unwired individual, or the physical part of a Matrix user.
  • Mr. Johnson: n. Refers to an anonymous employer or corporate agent.
  • meshed: adj. Online, connected to the Matrix.
  • meta(s): n. Short for metahumanity.
  • Mierda: n. (vul) A Spanish equivalent to drek.
  • mundane: n. (vul) Non-magician or non-magical.
  • Night of Rage: n. Violent events of February 7, 2039
  • norm or normie: n. Human.
  • nuyen: n. World standard of currency.
  • omae: n. (Japanese) Friend, mate, you bastard. Friendly.
  • oyabun: n. (Japanese) Head of a Yakuza clan.
  • panzer: n. Any ground-effect combat vehicle.
  • pawn: n. (derogatory) Street slang for Knight Errant of officers
  • paydata: n. A datafile worth money on the black market.
  • piasma: n. An Awakened black bear with tusks.
  • pixie: n. (vul) An elf. Or elf poser. Or a pixie.
  • plex: n. A metropolitan complex, short for “metroplex”.
  • pocsec: n. Pocket Secretary: palmtop computer and telephone handset in one.
  • poli: n. A policlub (political action group) or policlub member.
  • policlub: n. A political organization (eg, Humanis policlub)
  • razorgirl: n. A female with extensive combat enhancements.
  • razorguy n. A male with extensive combat enhancements.
  • roke: adj. Overly elaborate or unnecessarily detailed. From a shortening of Baroque.
  • run: n.: Short for shadowrun.
  • runner: n. Short for shadowrunner.
  • salaryman: n. see sarariman
  • sam: n. Short for samurai
  • samurai: n. (Japanese) Mercenary or muscle for hire. Implies honor code.
  • sarariman: n. (Engrish) A corporate employee. From mispronunciation of salaryman.
  • screamer: n. Credstick or other ID that triggers computer alarms if used.
  • scrip: n. A currency that is not nuyen, usually referring to currency issued by a megacorporation.
  • seoul man: n. A member of a Seoulpa ring.
  • shadowrun: n., adj. an illegal operation
  • shaikujin: n. (Japanese) Lit. “Honest citizen.” A corporate employee.
  • SINless: adj. Lacking a System Identification Number
  • SINner: n. A person with a SIN. An honest person.
  • Sixth World, the: n. the world as it exists in The Sixth Age which began on Dec 24, 2011 when magic returned.
  • slitch: n. (vul) a portmanteau of “slut” and “bitch.” See, Slitch Pit.
  • Slitchpit, the: n. A popular runnerbar in Seattle.
  • slot: n. Mild curse word. v. To insert a chip or credstick into chip or credstick reading device.
  • slot and run: v. Hurry up. Get to the point. Move it.
  • so ka: expression. (Japanese) I understand. I get it.
  • spellworm: n. Derogative term for a mage
  • spider: n. Corporate decker or rigger, usually tasked with defense of corporate facilities.
  • sprawl: n. a metroplex (see plex); v. fraternize below one's social level.
  • squat: n. Abandoned urban area used for housing. (vul) A dwarf.
  • squatter: n. a resident of a squat
  • squishy n. (vul) A dwarf, elf, or human. Usually used by orks and trolls.
  • Star, the: n. The police. Originally referring to Lone Star specifically.
  • static: n. Trouble, usually social in nature.
  • street doc: n. An unlicensed physician.
  • street samurai: n. A shadowrunner or merc specializing in melee or ranged combat without the magic enhancement
  • suit: n. A “straight citizen.” See Shaikujin, Sarariman.
  • SURGE: n. Sudden Unexplained Recessive Genetic Expression. The second wave of UGE (see also goblinization) that occurred in 2061.
  • swag adj. Awesome.
  • System Identification Number (SIN): n. Identification number assigned to each person in the society.
  • Talislegging: n. The underground trade in telesma and other magical objects
  • T-bird: n. Low-altitude vehicle (LAV), usually vectored thrust. Named after but not to be confused with a paracritter Thunderbird.
  • trid, trideo: n. Holographic animated media; Three-dimensional successor to video.
  • trog: n. (vul) An Ork or Troll. From “troglodyte.” Highly insulting. Reclaimed by the Trogs gang in the Seattle Ork Underground. Also an English/Or'zet pidgin that succeeded Tunnel Talk in the OU.
  • tusker: n. Ork. Racially derogatory.
  • UGE: n. Unexplained Genetic Expression. Begun in 2011, when human mothers gave birth to children that looked like elves or dwarfs. See also goblinization, SURGE.
  • vatjob: n. A person with extensive cyberware replacement, reference is to a portion of the process during which the patient must be submerged in nutrient fluid.
  • wagemage: n. A magician (usually mage) employed by a corporation.
  • wageslave: n. A low-level corporate employee.
  • wetware: n. Body tissue as compared with cyberware or bioware.
  • wetwork: n. Assassination. Murder.
  • wired: adj. Equipped with cyberware, especially increased reflexes.
  • wiz adj. Wonderful, excellent.
  • wizkid n. A young magician, probably a teenager.
  • wizgang: n. A gang composed only of magically active members.
  • wizard: n. A magician, usually a mage
  • wizworm: n. A dragon.
  • Word, the: n. any kind of information, gossip, or news.
  • wyrm: n. Another slang for a dragon.
  • Yak: n. (Japanese) Yakuza. Either a clan member or a clan itself.
  • Year of Chaos: n. 2011. The year magic came back and the Sixth World begun.
  • Year of the Comet: n. 2061. The year 2061, when Halley's Comet visited, causing SURGE and other magical phenomena.
OOC: Awake is set BEFORE crash 2.0
runner_slang.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/04 01:12 by bloodninja