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Itchy is an interesting character. He speaks a few words of several languages, the one he does best with is Or'zet. Itchy is a trickster, prankster, and goof at heart. He seems to be a goblin (a gnome infected by the HMHVV.) though he seems to have retained some of his sentience. He's harmless… mostly. He does smell horrible though. He's openly a shaman of Bacchus.

Bacchus is the Idol of motion and revelry. He is a lover and a dancer and revels in unbridled passion. Bacchus shamans appreciate music and poetry, but they are also self-indulgent and irresponsible. Very few such shamans can fulfill long-term relationships or obligations; they are too easily distracted and caught up in the moment.

Itchy wears a strange assortment of clothes, generally in a state of disrepair. An old plum suit, a red fez, grungy old arm guards are his typical look. He may play a trick on you, or see if he can annoy you, but be a good sport and he might just give you a gift, leave your car door unlocked and you might just find something odd left behind by this strange creature…

itchy.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/21 15:57 by