WEARLOC SLOTS WORN CLOTHING Usage: WEAR <object> <position> e.g. wear boots; wear glasses; wear strap underarm To wear everything in your inventory (or at least try to, as wearing things like loaves of bread is not a good way to win friends and influence people) you can type "wear all". The following are valid wear positions: Light Head Eyes Ear (2 slots) Face Neck (2 slots) Back (listed as over the shoulder) About the Body Body Underneath clothing Arms Underarm (2 slots) Wrists (2 slots) Hands Wielded (right hand) Wielded (left hand) Shield (left hand) Held Finger (8 slots) Belly button Waist Thigh (2 slots) Legs Ankle (2 slots) Socks Feet You can use LOOK SELF to see what is visible for being worn, some of which may be harder to see due to conceal ratings. See help LOOK for more details. See Also: EQUIPMENT, REMOVE, WIELD, LOOK