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TOGGLE shows you most of the current values of various toggles available on the MUD. Use "toggle
_____" to change the value of one of the available options.
Some common toggle are as follows:

brief        Represses room long description on move
compact      Represses content expansion in equipment command
autoexits    Shows the obvious exits after the room description
fightgag     Hides the fight details between other characters
movegag      Hides the movement of other characters
deaf         Represses shouts from being shown
notell       Does not let others tell you anything
noradio      Obsolete, handled by radio command.
nonewbie     Gags the newbie channel.
norepeat     disables echoing your tells and other communication to you
hardcore     Hardcore Mode is explained in HELP HARDCORE
pker         Turns on the PKER flag, meaning you can kill and be killed by
             other players. Note: once turned on, you can NOT turn this off.
Quest        Toggles the hired flag, which assures players/imms running
             (non-automated) runs that you are taking part in it.
afk          Sets the AFK bit, which tells others that you are AFK
longexits    Autoexits will display exits as though you used the exit
             command instead of just directions.
Rolls        Allows you to see underlying dice game mechanics.
             Must be purchased with SYSPOINTS.
ooc          Toggles OOC channel on/off.
assist       Automatically assist people in your group and/or the
             person you are following in combat.
RPE          Defunct/Obsolete. See help RPE for more details.
nohired      Enables or disables the obsolete Quest/hired channel.
Questor      See HELP QUESTOR for details.
NewbieHelper Newbiehelper flag, handed out on request to helpful folks.
menu gag     Hides OOC channel while in menus (Unsure)
longweapon   Shows wielded weapons in players' room desc.
ShowGroupTag Shows PGROUP tag on wholist
keepalive    Telnet connection pulses for keeping connection active.
Screenreader Screenreader, toggles off Prompt, Color and Pseudolanguage   
nocolor      Toggles off colors.
noprompt     Toggles PROMPT on/off.
noautokill   Toggles autokill of NPCs on/off after KO or mortally wounded.
noidle       Toggles the UBI gain messages on/off.
cyberdoc     Toggles consent for player CYBERDOC surgery
void         Toggles being transported to the VOID while idle.
anonymous    Disables your name being visible on where list.
tips         Enables/disables seeing newbie hints.
AutoStand    See HELP AUTOSTAND for details.
AutoKipUp    See HELP AUTOKIPUP for details.
noweather    Disables seeing WEATHER and LIGHTING messages.
             Not a good idea, as they impact you directly.
XTERM        Disables XTERM256 colors.
CCColor      Forces ANSI colors to be configurable by client.
             Enable with TOGGLE COERCE.
Wimpy        Not enabled through toggle. See HELP WIMPY.
brief        Hides room descriptions when moving
driveby      You will take part in any DRIVEBY ordered by the driver of
             the car you are in.
pseudo       Toggles PSEUDOLANGUAGE strings.
voice names  Toggles names associated with voices on the radio.
keep         Toggles the KEEP command for an object.
alert        Toggles Docwagon modulator sending out mortally wounded alerts to player doctors.

help_toggles_configs_options_preferences.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/21 15:57 by