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                                12    13    14    15
Downtown Seattle/Southeast Commercial Sector
Key:    A. Seattle Center/Space Needle/Monorail Complex
        B. Renraku Arcology
        C. Big Rhino
        D. Easy Diver Coffin Motel
        E. Figg's Gym
        F. Dante's Inferno
        G. Neophytic Guild
        H. Crazy Lenny's Driving Deals
        J. Stuffer Shack
     (I omitted to avoid confusing with a path)
        K. Zalensky's Electronics
        L. Action Computers and Electronics
        M. Krishna's
        N. Club Penumbra
        O. Rapid Fire Ammunition
        P. Smith Linguistics School
Street Index:
1. Boren Avenue                 9. Second Street
2. Seneca Street                10. Third Street
3. Spring Street                11. Fourth Street
4. Ridgeway Street              12. Fifth Street
5. Espanoza Way                 13. Sixth Street
6. Whitman Road                 14. Seventh Street
7. Broadway                     15. Eighth Street
8. First Street                 16. Ninth Street
seattle_se.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/21 15:57 by