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                   7.    8.    9.   10.   11.   12.   13.    X
                         A     B        C                   X  
                         |     |        |                  X
              1.         o-----o-----o-----o-----o-----o-----> to
                         |     |     |     |     |     |  Seattle
                   D     |     |     |     | E   |     |       NE
                   |     |     |     |     |/    |     |     
              2.   o-----o-----o-----o-----o-----o-----o
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                   |     |     |     |  F  |   G-|   H    I
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           K-o       4.  o-----o-----o-----o
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      5. _/                                | 
        /                                  |
      <- to Seattle SW                  6. o-----> to Seattle NE
        A. Corporate Edge Security Automotives
        B. Lysleul Plaza             C. The Muscovite Lounge
        D. Lone Star 17th Precinct   E. Seattle 1st Methodist Church
        F. Matchsticks Jazz Club     G. Racespec Performance Workshop
        H. Sixth-Age Clinical Consulting
        I. Jackie's Biosculpting     J. Denny Way Tires
        K. Sculley's                 L. Seattle Public Library
Street Index:
        X. I-5 Onramp                7.  Northwest First
        1. Highland Drive            8.  Northwest Second
        2. Valley Road               9.  Northwest Third
        3. Denny Way                 10. Northwest Fourth
        4. Aurora Avenue             11. Northwest Fifth
        5. Denny Way (continued)     12. Northwest Sixth
        6. Harrison Street           13. Northwest Seventh
seattle_nw.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/21 15:57 by