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Khai's Guide to the Amateur Decker

This is not an in-depth guide to decking, programming, and deckbuilding. Rather, these are thoughts intended to help mechanically optimize the creation of a decker (whether as a primary or secondary role). For more detail, take a look at the other guides and the in-game help files.

IMPORTANT: If you read nothing else, understand that matrix hosts resist your actions by rolling against your detection factor (see: HELP DETECTION FACTOR), so a DF of 6 is highly recommended for a newbie decker. Also, most utility programs reduce the TNs (see: HELP TN) you roll against, so as a generalization, it is recommended that you obtain them at the highest rating you can, even though you might not be able to fit them all into your active memory at the same time (instead, unload and load programs as needed).


There are four ways that programs are used: (1) to assist in programming (that is, the programming suite), (2) as a passive utility that affects our matrix test TNs (see: HELP TN), (3) as an active utility that we execute directly (see: HELP RUN), and (4) as a component for building parts.

The programming suite, when installed on our computer (not in the cyberdeck!), adds dice to the programming step of program creation. Whether we start with a store-bought cyberdeck or aim to make our own custom deck, this is the first program we should create; it will help us in all our future programing, including making higher rating programming suites.

In general, we want to create programs in category (2) at the highest rating our deck can handle, as reducing TNs can often have a greater impact on our success in the Matrix than adding more dice. An exception is the sleaze program, which is averaged with our masking persona (round up) to form our “detection factor” (see: HELP DETECTION FACTOR). This lets us save a bit on memory usage, e.g. by using sleaze 5 with masking 6, or sleaze 11 with masking 12. Also, because of SR3 dice probability distributions, a detection factor of 6 (e.g., sleaze 5 + masking 6) is just as effective as a detection factor of 7; with a CMT Avatar, we can use sleaze 4 + masking 7 = detection factor 6, though unfortunately masking 7 is not available in chargen.

There are really only two relevant programs that fall in category (3): attack and medic. For the attack program, rating 6 is generally sufficient because most IC don't appear to have armor. Some IC may have the +2 armor option, so the only real argument for an attack program higher than rating 8 is to better avoid needing to reload the program due to tarbaby/tarpit. The rating of medic determines how many times we can run medic before needing to reload it and how many dice it rolls, so it also doesn't need to be maxed.

Programs that belong to category (4), including personas (see: HELP PERSONAS), are only used when we're building our own custom deck. Store-bought decks are not compatible with custom built parts. To clarify a specific point of confusion: only store-bought persona programs work with store-bought decks, though they do have the minor benefit of not needing to be cooked.

A completed program has size equal to rating2 x multiplier, where the multiplier depends on what program. An incomplete program requires 10% more space.

When making programs, their maximum rating is equal to our Computer skill (exception: the Evaluate program is capped by our Data Brokerage skill). All the various Program Design skills are used in the design step, but for rating 6-8 programs, we can reasonably default to Intelligence without having much impact on our success rate. In order, the steps to produce a program are: create, design, program, cook (see: HELP CREATE, HELP DESIGN, HELP PROGRAM, HELP COOK).


In order to produce programs, we need a computer. Computers have some amount of active and storage memory (PROBE the computer to see these values). If our active memory is at least twice the size of a program, then we get a TN bonus on our programming test, which helps us get more successes, which in turn means we complete it faster (mechanically, programming time is divided by number of successes).

Example: a chargen Z4 has 500 Mp of active memory. So long as each of our programs require 250 Mp or less memory, the Z4 will give us the bonus to programming tests. The largest size multiplier is x3 for programs that belong to category (2) and x5 for programs that belong to category (3). A programming suite has multiplier x15. Thus, we can use a rating 4 programming suite and program anything in category (2) at rating 7 and anything in category (3) at rating 6. Conveniently, this is a good fit for maxing out a CMT Avatar. However, the Z4 also only has 500 Mp storage memory, so we'll only be able to keep a few programs installed on it at a time (see: HELP INSTALL, HELP UNINSTALL).

We also need a cooker to encode our programs onto chips. The rating of a cooker adds dice to our cook test, but note that the TN for cooking is only 4. If we have 6 dice (e.g., Computer Build and Repair 6 with a Sony Encoder I), we have a less than 2% chance to fail. With bonuses from cyberware/bioware and/or a cooker with rating higher than 0, our chance of failure is so much lower that it isn't really necessary to put effort into obtaining a rating 6 Hitachi RM-AX. As with programming, cooking time is divided by number of successes, though we only need to be present to start the cooking (we can go do other stuff while the cooker does its work).

Persona Ratings

Persona ratings are typically what hosts and IC will roll against. Because of the SR3 dice ruleset, personas at rating 6 are ideal for the newbie decker (and because of opportunity costs, 6 can be better than 7). However, the total of our four persona programs can't exceed our MPCP rating x3. Because Evasion is only useful for initiating maneuvers (useful for hard targets) and defending against trace IC (NERP), we can do without it when we're just looking to harvest easier hosts for paydata.

The masking persona is averaged with our sleaze program (round up) to form our “detection factor” (see: HELP DETECTION FACTOR), and because of SR3 dice probability distributions, a detection factor of 6 (e.g., sleaze 5 + masking 6) is just as effective as a detection factor of 7.

Decker Creation

Chargen vs Custom Cyberdeck

Probably the most important decision when creating a decker is whether you intend to initially rely on a store-bought cyberdeck or if you intend to build your own custom deck as soon as possible. A store-bought cyberdeck (including the CMT Avatar that the pre-built decker archetype starts with) lets you jump into decking immediately (rather than having to spend a week IRL on building), but has a cold ASIST, which does not allow us to use your hacking pool.

However, access to the hacking pool means that a custom MPCP 6 deck can often perform better than a CMT Avatar, depending on host ratings, even though the Avatar has a higher MPCP rating. The plot below shows a comparison between a CMT Avatar and a custom MPCP 6. Both deckers are assumed to have started with Computer 6 and have picked up all relevant cyberware and bioware. Because the decker with the custom MPCP 6 has spent significant time/effort in building their deck as well as programming rating 6 utilities, it is reasonable to assume that the decker with the CMT Avatar has also taken some effort to increase their computer skill to 7 and to upgrade their utility programs to rating 7 so as to maximize the benefit they get from their CMT Avatar's MPCP 7. The plot also assumes that both decks have detection factor = 6 and that the opposing Matrix Host has a security rating value equal to 2/3 (round down) of the targeted subsystem rating. The alert state is not taken into account, though an alerted host can be approximated by taking its subsystem rating as 2 points higher on the plot.

The default hacking pool allocation is 1/3 of the pool (see: HELP MAX), so the decker with the custom MPCP 6 will typically roll 6 skill +3 task pool +3 hacking pool = 12 dice. Alternatively, if the decker is willing to wait for their pool to refresh for each action, then they can allocate more hacking pool dice. SR3 pg 44 says the max number of hacking pool dice that can be allocated to any test is capped by skill rating, so this brings them up to 15 dice. The CMT Avatar decker, not being able to use their hacking pool, rolls 7 skill +3 task pool = 10 dice.

Mandatory Attribute

Intelligence contributes to our hacking pool, and if we didn't pick up the design skills, our design tests default to this attribute.

Mandatory Skills

Computers is what we use for matrix actions, programming tests, and caps the ratings of the programs we make (except Evaluate). Computer Build and Repair is what we use to build deck parts, and caps what MPCP rating we can build. Data Brokerage is used when fencing paydata, and caps what Evaluate program rating we can make.

Notable Optional Skills

Cyberterminal Design and the five Program Design skills are optional for early deck-building and programming. Without these skills, we default to Intelligence for design tests, but if we picked up everything on the the highly recommended 'ware list, our likelihood of failure without these skills for rating 6-8 parts/programs is very small. These skills do make a significant difference for higher rating decks/programs, but we can pick them up later when we're actually thinking of upgrading.

Because programming tests also get bonuses from a computer with sufficiently abundant active memory and from possessing a programming suite, the cyberterminal design skill is much more valuable than the five program design skills. In addition, cyberterminal design tests have TN = MPCP/2 (whereas program design tests have TN = 4, or 5 if program rating above 9), it is particularly important when building MPCP 10 or 12 cyberdecks. NOTE: your design skills are used even if they don't meet/exceed the rating of the program/part.

While we can connect by wearing an electrode net, a Datajack won't penalize your Matrix reaction or initiative. Enhanced Articulation provides +1 to a variety of non-Matrix tests, including technical and build/repair skill checks. Cerebral Booster II provides +2 int and +1 task pool. Encephalon II provides +2 task pool and +2 hacking pool. The hacking pool does not matter if starting with a store-bought deck, but if aiming to immediately build a custom deck, also consider the Math SPU III for its +3 hacking pool.

Notable Optional 'ware

As optional items for consideration, a Chipjack (any rating) is all that's needed to use the skillsoft versions of the design skills. A Chipjack Expert Driver III gives us +3 dice when using chipped skills (though note that no other dice pools apply). We can combine the chipjack and expert driver with Skillwires to use the skillsoft versions of any active skills that we might want to have on a temporary basis, and that we might not intend to max out, e.g., athletics, electronics, vehicle and vehicle b/r skills, etc. Rating III or V matches the skillsofts available in chargen (all the rating V softs are also available in-game).

Success Rates

These tables show success rates for building MPCP 6 deck components by number of computer b/r dice and cyberterminal design dice. The time to build is the base time for the specific part divided by the number of successes you rolled. Success rates for programming are not shown here because they are typically easier (you can get TN bonuses from your computer having abundant active memory, and bonus dice from having a Programming Suite).

Odds to Succeed Computer B/R dice (skill + 'ware bonuses)
Cyberterminal Design dice 6 7 8 9 10
0 (default to 6/8 int) 88%/92% 90%/93% 92%/94% 93%/95% 95%/96%
3 98% 99% 99% 99% 99%
6 (e.g., r3 skillsoft + r3 driver) 99.93% 99.95% 99.96% 99.97% 99.98%
Median # of Successes Rolled Computer B/R dice (skill + 'ware bonuses)
Cyberterminal Design dice 6 7 8 9 10
0 (default to 6/8 int) 3/4 3/4 4/5 4/5 5/6
3 5 6 6 7 8
6 (e.g., r3 skillsoft + r3 driver) 5 6 7 8 8

Other CharGen Comments

All the highly recommended 'ware can be picked up with resources at priority B, and the mandatory skills at priority E, so we have quite a bit of room for the rest of the character. NOTE: because melee is only defended against by melee, it is a very good idea for all characters to pick up a melee skill. If we're using a firearm, we use clubs for melee defense. If we put a bayonet on the firearm, then we use polearms for melee defense.

WRT magical characters: picking up everthing on the highly recommended 'ware list means starting with magic 3. For mages, this means we'll want to grind paydata for at least a rating 3 power focus before we start spamming stunbolt 6. For adepts, it may be worth using those 3 power points for kinesics; we'll be lacking combat abilities until we get in a few addpoints and initiations, but we'll also be able to buy truck-loads of APDS ammo much earlier than any other character concept.

WRT riggers, each rating of a vehicle control rig reduces hacking pool. Having a rig also increases matrix TN by 1. Because program ratings directly reduce matrix TNs, this is really only a problem while our ratings are still low. One idea might be to start without a rig and pick one up in-game after we can upgrade to higher rating decks and programs.

Starting With a Custom Cyberdeck

We can't immediately begin building a custom deck on leaving chargen because we need to obtain a few things that are only available in-game. To build a functionally complete MPCP 6 cyberdeck, we will want to buy:

  • optical chips: 44 units (8.8k nuyen)
  • cyberdeck parts: 44 units (17.6k nuyen)
  • microtronics workshop (15k nuyen)

This totals 41.4k nuyen, which can be covered by doing all the newbie Neophyte Guild autoruns, plus “idle nuyen” while programming and deck building, making it perfectly reasonable for a decker to start the game without having spent chargen resources on a store-bought cyberdeck. This nuyen cost assumes we picked up a Mitsuhama Z4 computer and a cooker during chargen. We should probably buy the optical chips first so we can get the cooking started as we complete each program.
NOTE: Making the cyberdeck components will require the workshop and cyberdeck parts, as well as cooked programs for those parts that require them.
NOTE: There are a number of parts and programs included here that aren't necessary for bare-bones paydata farming, though the cost difference is only 5k nuyen.

All that said, it takes a lot of time to build a deck, on the order of a week IRL for a deck with MPCP 6 using a char-gen level character. If you choose this route, you will want to ensure that your character is able to do non-matrix things during your playtime and have your character do the longer programming/build tasks while you're asleep. Alternatively, having one character doing build tasks while playing another character is acceptable under Policy 2.

The Cyberdeck

Name of PartWhy
MPCP 6 the deck's cpu
Hot ASIST so we can use our hacking pool
I/O 600 so we can download paydata
RAS without one, we take a big penalty to target numbers
Matrix Interface so we can connect to the matrix
Active Memory 1500 so we can have all our programs available to run
Storage Memory 3600 so we can store programs and paydata
Bod 6 so we can exist in the matrix
Sensor 6 so we can see in the matrix
Masking 6 so the host is less able to resist us
Hardening 6 to protect our MPCP/programs from permanent damage
Response Increase 1 so we can act more often (see: HELP INITIATIVE)
Reality Filter so we can act more often (see: HELP INITIATIVE)
ICCM to protect our brain from sparky or black IC

NOTE: response increase, reality filter, and ICCM aren't relevant when farming blue/green paydata, and hardening is only relevant in a few such hosts. But when exploring or completing autoruns, you may unexpectedly find yourself in more difficult situations.

The Programs

Name of ProgramWhy
Armor 6 so we can survive longer
Sleaze 6 so the host is less able to resist us
Deception 6 to logon to hosts
Decrypt 6 to decrypt paydata
Defuse 6 to disarm paydata
Read/Write 6 to download paydata
Browse 6 to find hosts
Evaluate 6 to find paydata
Attack 6 (D) so we can clear out IC
Lock-On 6 so IC are less able to maneuver
Medic 6 so we can repair our icon without having to log out
Analyze 6 so we can reveal hidden passive IC, trapdoors, etc

NOTE: dealing with IC and finding trapdoors are optional when farming blue/green paydata, but trapdoors are featured in early tutorial autoruns.

khai_deckbuilding.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/08 16:38 by khai