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List of Adept Powers

These are the functioning adept powers currently available through NPC trainers. Additional NERP powers may be obtained through MUD staff or through the NERP adept power trainer in the NERPcropolis.

Name of PowerPower Point Cost Comments
Astral Perception 2.00 Enables the 'perceive' action; allows seeing invisible and non-manifested enemies.
Blind Fighting 0.50
Boosted Body 0.25 Enables the 'boost' action.
Boosted Quickness 0.25 Enables the 'boost' action.
Boosted Strength 0.25 Enables the 'boost' action.
Combat Sense 1.00
Counterstrike 0.50
Distance Strike 2.00
Empathic Healing 1.00 Enables the 'heal' action, which transfers wounds from target to adept.
Freefall 0.25
Improved Body 0.50/1.00 Power Point cost depends on whether your natural stat + this power exceeds your racial maximum; also increases karma cost to train your natural stat.
Improved Quickness 0.50/1.00 Power Point cost depends on whether your natural stat + this power exceeds your racial maximum; also increases karma cost to train your natural stat.
Improved Strength 0.50/1.00 Power Point cost depends on whether your natural stat + this power exceeds your racial maximum; also increases karma cost to train your natural stat.
Improved Sense (Flare Comp) 0.25
Improved Sense (Low Light) 0.25 Treated as natural vision.
Improved Sense (Magnification) 0.25
Improved Sense (Thermographic) 0.25 Treated as natural vision.
Improved Perception 0.50 Does not apply to invis resistance tests.
Increased Reflexes 2.00/1.00/2.00 Total cost is lvl 1 = 2.00, lvl 2 = 3.00, lvl 3 = 5.00
Killing Hands 0.50/0.50/1.00/2.00 This is one way to bypass spirit/elemental immunity to normal weapons. Total cost is L = 0.50, M = 1.00, S = 2.00, D = 4.00
Kinesics 1.00 Particularly powerful for fixer type characters
Living Focus 1.00 Enables the 'focus' action
Magic Resistance 1.00
Mystic Armor 0.50
Nerve Strike 1.00 TN is increased by target's impact armor and requires 2+ successes to apply effect.
Pain Relief 1.00 Enables the 'relieve' action.
Pain Resistance 0.50 Unlike the bioware equivalent, this is fully compatible with a trauma damper.
Penetrating Strike 0.75
Quick Strike 3.00
Rapid Healing 0.50 This provides a multiplicative bonus to mental and physical recovery.
Side Step 0.50 In terms of PP cost, most efficient way to increase combat pool (though restricted to dodge).
Smashing Blow 1.00
Temperature Tolerance 0.25 Applies to IGNITE and FLAMETHROWER, and does not protect your equipment.
True Sight 0.25 Applies to invis resistance tests.
adeptpowers.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/21 15:57 by