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Players : (OOC Info)
W Dragon : {Mikazuki-gumi} Yuki - Fairytale for a Devil
Cyclops : *\Stars/* Ex-Ganger Ajax don't want none unless you got buns hon
Human : HibiKase
Human : Harry space cowboy (B/R)
Human : Maxwell whistles a decking shanty. (AFK)
Human : Dominus (Newbie)
Human : Grandpa Nurgle the hunter of hidden truths.
Human : -PL- If you need MorbiusPhyre find [Nurgle] (Cyberdoc)
Ork : Axinite
Elf : Gaji
Human : Hund (Newbie) (AFK)
Human : ~{ 4RCH1V3D:4206-9230 }~ Styx - ^KGhost in the Code | Ferryman
Ork : Steel Widow - Reina Graves, the Reaper's Shadow
Minotaur : Halcyone the Leviathan of the Deep (Newbie) (B/R)
Giant : Caelar (Newbie)
Human : [stray] Mimir
Dwarf : Ludwig
Human : Not-Master Nonzensy mastering Zen by notmastering, kensho-satori
Human : EXEcute $ rm -rf /corp/secrets
Elf : Sir Lancelot - White Banner Black Guard
Dwarf : Lambda
Satyr : Caballero del Sol, ElMariachi
Gnome : Hibiscus est une petite rose du bayou.
Human : Nemesis Adrasteia is here to thwart hubris
Human : Doctor "Pizza" Martingale vous souhaite un bon appetit. (Cyberdoc)
Human : [HoBo] Thall I got eels for the badgers, badgers, Japan 4 (AFK)
Night-One : Roehrig
Human : The Red Baron Dammit, I'm on fire!
Ork : One lonely Coil displayed... thank you for keeping the faith.
Human : Egbert has found Egbert...know what I mean?
Minotaur : Valmorian contemplating the universe
Minotaur : ||Black-X-Flag||