Table of Contents

List of 'ware Incompatibilities

This is a listing of the explicit incompatibilities coded into Awakened Worlds CE. In general, these follow the Shadowrun 3 rulebooks. However, some house rules do exist, either because of code issues or balancing.
NOTE: There are also functional incompatibilities not listed here (e.g., you can install both a pain editor and a trauma damper, but the damper is nonfunctional while the pain editor is active).

Cyberware vs Cyberware

'ware Incompatible with… Comments
Filters Filters of the same type NERP
Vehicle Control Rig Boosted Reflexes
Boosted Reflexes Vehicle Control Rig, Wired Reflexes, Move-By-Wire Doesn't stack with spell/adept reaction/init
Wired Reflexes Boosted Reflexes, Move-By-Wire Doesn't stack with spell/adept reaction/init
Move-By-Wire Boosted Reflexes, Wired Reflexes, Reaction Enhancers Doesn't stack with spell/adept reaction/init
Oral Weapons Other Oral Weapons Only one oral weapon per body
Dermal Plating Dermal Sheathing, Cyberskull, Cybertorso, Cyberarms/legs
Dermal Sheathing Dermal Plating, Cyberskull, Cybertorso, Cyberarms/legs
Reaction Enhancers Move-By-Wire Doesn't stack with spell/adept reaction/init
Cyberskull Dermal Plating, Dermal Sheathing Only available to mundanes
Cybertorso Dermal Plating, Dermal Sheathing, Bone Lacing Only available to mundanes
Cyberarms/legs Dermal Plating, Dermal Sheathing, Bone Lacing, Muscle Replacement Only available to mundanes
Muscle Replacement Cyberarms/legs
Bone Lacing Cybertorso, Cyberarms/legs
Optical Magnification Electronic Magnification
Electronic Magnification Optical Magnification
Any type of datajack Other datajacks

Cyberware vs Bioware

'ware Incompatible With… Comments
Air Filtration Tracheal Filter NERP
Ingested Filtration Digestive Expansion NERP
Move-By-Wire Adrenal Pump, Synaptic Accelerator, Suprathyroid Doesn't stack with spell/adept reaction/init
Wired Reflexes Synaptic Aceelerator Doesn't stack with spell/adept reaction/init
Cyber Eyes & Eye Mods Cat's Eyes, Nicitating Membranes This includes Protective Covers
Muscle Replacement Muscle Augmentation, Muscle Toner, Calcitonin, Erythropoitin
Dermal Plating Orthoskin
Dermal Sheathing Orthoskin
Cyberskull Orthoskin
Cybertorso Orthoskin
Cyberarms/legs Orthoskin, Muscle Augmentation, Muscle Toner, Calcitonin

Bioware vs Bioware

'ware Incompatible With… Comments
Calcitonin Platelet Factories Only available to mundanes
Platelet Factories Calcitonin Aspirin/anticoagulants to avoid heart attacks
Metabolic Arrester Adrenal Pump, Suprathyroid
Adrenal Pump Metabolic Arrester
Suprathyroid Metabolic Arrester

NOTE: Erythropoitin and Phenotypic Alteration are also only available to mundanes.
NOTE: while the Trauma Damper is technically compatible with Pain Editors and Damage Compensators, their effects are not. A trauma damper does not function with an activated pain editor, and only functions if damage would otherwise cause the character to exceed the limits of their damage compensators.