ECHOS ECHOES EMOTES EMOTING POSE : Syntax: echo <text> OR emote <text> The echo command is used in roleplaying to illustrate a character's actions to other players in that room. The echo system is designed to be used with natural English so that you may write them as you would a story. To tag a scene partner, use their name, capitalized. It can be the name you've REMEMBERED them as as well. > echo Lucien enters the room, nodding to Tester. In the above example the game will automatically replace 'Lucien' and 'Tester' with the appropriate descriptions, so someone who wasn't familiar with either character would see "A tall man enters the room, nodding to an albino Dwarf." Alternatively, someone who used REMEMBER to title Tester as Alpha would see "A tall man enters the room, nodding to Alpha." Having a hard time tagging someone and you keep looking at an NPC or furniture? Put an @ symbol in front of their real name, like @Lucien. You can also do @self if you don't want to type your character's full name. > echo The door to the club swings open, and @self exits, nodding to @Grog. Output: The door to the club swings open, and Lucien exits, nodding to Grog Tenderfoot. If your character's name (or @self) exists within the echo, it will not apply your name/short description to the beginning of the echo, allowing more freedom in writing descriptions. It is important to note that this opens up avenues for abuse. For the record: Using the echo or echo code to forge game output is a bannable offense. The emote system also includes storytelling-enhancing things such as HIGHLIGHTS and a PSEUDOLANGUAGE system. They can both be disabled with TOGGLE or automatically when toggle screenreader is used. Please note that Awakened Worlds CE cannot be held responsible for your reader sounding like it's possessed and/or coughing up a hairball if you decide to re-enable the system. See Also: SOCIALIZE, TOGGLE, POSITION, PSEUDOLANGUAGE, SOCIALS, VEMOTE, IGNORE, HIGHLIGHT, REMEMBER