Table of Contents

This is a good list of locations for now, so feel free to add interesting (public) locations even if they're not grid-accessible.

If you have to search to find the entrance, don't put it here.

To go directly to gridguide coordinates, define an alias:

alias gridref grid add temp $*; grid temp; grid del temp

You can then gridref -65358, 32779 directly.

Seattle and environs

SeaTAC International Airport

Location Coordinates Type Notes copy/paste
SeaTAC -38820, 19510 Airport Minor stores. Tickets to nowhere, yet? Lots of mobs.
gridguide add SeaTAC -38820, 19510

Highway Onramps

Location Coordinates Type Notes copy/paste
I-5 at Seattle NE -65512, 32856
gridguide add I-5 -65512, 32856
I-90 at Seattle SE -65428, 32814
gridguide add I-90 -65428, 32814
I-90 near Redmond -39726, 19963 Grid limit. Ramp is a bit east.
gridguide add Redmond -39726, 19963

Downtown Seattle

Seattle NE

Location Coordinates Type Notes copy/paste
7th Street Plaza -61242, 30721 Strip mall Safeway, seafood restaurant, Lin's Laundry-mat
gridguide add 7thPlaza -61242 30721
Aztechnology Pyramid -14802, 7501 Corporate complex Garage. Many stores. Magic Academy to the south.
gridguide add Aztech -14802, 7501
Cutting Edge Auto -75018, 37609 Vehicle store Fast cars.
gridguide add CEAuto -75018, 37609
Espanoza Shopping Center -76002, 38101 Mall Garage. Various basic stores.
gridguide add Espanoza -76002, 38101
Herbie's Herbals -61006, 30603 Talismonger Magic shop
gridguide add Herbies -61006, 30603
Mitsuhama Tower -65444, 32822 Corporate tower
gridguide add Mitsuhama -65444, 32822
Modern Magik -61028, 30614 Magik Magic shop
gridguide add MMagik -61028, 30614
Rokhalla -22820, 11510 Bar Viking theme; contains arena
gridguide add Rokhalla -22820, 11510
Seattle Formal Wear -65492, 32846 Clothier
gridguide add SeattleFormal -65492, 32846
Seattle Opera House -1410002, 705101 Opera house NERP but with a piano bar
gridguide add Opera -1410002, 705101
Seattle Parking Garage -45340, 22770 Garage Player vehicles not in another garage will appear here after a crash/copyover unless wrecked.
gridguide add SeattleParking -45340, 22770
Silent Cafe -65450, 32825 Cafe
gridguide add Silent -65450, 32825
Syberspace -61224, 30712 Nightclub Deckers congregate here.
gridguide add Syberspace -61224, 30712
UCAS Bank -61048, 30624 Bank ATM
gridguide add UCASBank -61048, 30624

Seattle NW

Location Coordinates Type Notes copy/paste
Corporate Edge Security Automotives -75026, 37613 Vehicle store Garage. Armoured.. cars? trucks?
gridguide add CESA -75026, 37613
Denny Way Tires -61178, 30689 Vehicle mod store Tires
gridguide add DennyTires -61178, 30689
First Methodist Church -61130, 30665 Church NERP
gridguide add Church -61130, 30665
Jackie's Biosculpting -61142, 30671 Cosmetic surgeon Bioware for boosting social skills.
gridguide add Jackies -61142, 30671
Kristin's Restaurant -61156, 30678 Restaurant (socialization bonus) Nearest garage is one room west.
gridguide add Kristins -61156, 30678
Lone Star 17th Precinct -7410, 3805 Police precinct
gridguide add LS17 -7410, 3805
Lysleul Plaza -61102, 30651 Shopping plaza Various stores. Has gridguide devices.
gridguide add Lysleul -61102, 30651
Matchsticks -61158, 30679 Jazz club NERP?
gridguide add Matchsticks -61158, 30679
Muscovite Lounge -61096, 30648 Russian Bar
gridguide add Muscovite -61096, 30648
Racespec Performance Workshop -61146, 30673 Vehicle mod store make cars go fast
gridguide add Racespec -61146, 30673
Sculley's -61182, 30691 NERP Alcoholics Anonymous meetings?
gridguide add Sculleys -61182, 30691
Seattle Public Library -61200, 30700 Library
gridguide add SeattleLibrary -61200, 30700
Sixth Age Clinical Consulting -61140, 30670 Office
gridguide add 6thAge -61140, 30670

Seattle SE

Location Coordinates Type Notes copy/paste
Action Computers and Electronics -65300, 32750 Electronics and decking shop
gridguide add ActionComputers -65300, 32750
Allen & Associates -65414, 32807 Office building?
gridguide add AllenAssociates -65414, 32807
Big Rhino -65270, 32735 Troll/Ork Bar ATM in the entrance.
gridguide add Rhino -65270, 32735
Buck's Pizza -11800, 6000 Diner Garage. Bookstore and jazz club to the west.
gridguide add Bucks -11800, 6000
Club Penumbra -65174, 32687 Nightclub
gridguide add Penumbra -65174, 32687
Crazy Lenny's Crazy Deals -2798, 1499 Vehicle store Cars and bikes
gridguide add Lennys -2798 1499
Dante's Inferno -65322, 32761 Nightclub Various bars and Johnsons through the nine floors.
gridguide add Dante -65322, 32761
Dave's Discount Drugs -65326, 32763 Medical and miscellaneous
gridguide add DavesDrugs -65326, 32763
DocWagon Clinic -65376, 32788 Clinic Where you'll end up after DocWagon rescue (i.e., death)
gridguide add DocWagonClinic -65376, 32788
DocWagon Outlet Garage -65388, 32794 Workshop store Not an actual garage
gridguide add DocWagonOutlet -65388, 32794
Doityadamnself & Son's Hardware and Appliances -65400, 32800 Hardware store graffiti cleaner, hammers
gridguide add DIYDSHardware -65400, 32800
Downtown Seattle Heliport -65554, 32877 Public Garage, entrance to Heliport
gridguide add DSHeliport -65554, 32877.
Fargo Security Hardware -65506, 32853 Weapons and ammo Small selection
gridguide add FargoSecurity -65506, 32853
Figg's Gym -65280, 32740 Gym Train physical attributes. Contains an arena.
gridguide add Figgs -65280, 32740
Gentleman Loser -130400, 65300 Bar Garage. Socialization bonus
gridguide add GLoser -130400, 65300
Krishna's -65190, 32695 NERP?
gridguide add Krishnas -65190, 32695
Le Cinema Vieux -65176, 32688 Bar (socialization bonus)
gridguide add CinemaVieux -65176, 32688
Little Chiba -65372, 32786 Sub-area entrance Various shops and pawn shops. Not friendly to non-humans.
gridguide add Chiba -65372, 32786
Mall of Mammon -31602, 15901 Mall Various shops. Two jewelry stores.
gridguide add Mammon -31602 15901
Marksman Indoor Firing Range -65364, 32782 Firing range Practice basic gun skills.
gridguide add Marksman -65364, 32782
Metro Holografix -65298, 32749
gridguide add MetroHolografix -65298, 32749
Naser's Place -65402, 32801 Restaurant (socialization bonus)
gridguide add Nasers -65402, 32801
Old Impound Lot -186600, 93400 Public Parking Lot, entrance to Praetorian Legion PGHQ
gridguide add PL -186600, 93400
Phil's Army Surplus -65506, 32853 Armor, weapons, and accessories
gridguide add PhilsArmy -65506, 32853
Platinum Club -65370, 32785 Nightclub
gridguide add Platinum -65370, 32785
Quiet Glenn -125800, 63000 Residence Garage. Low 15k. No personal garages?
gridguide add Glenn -125800, 63000
Rapid Fire Ammunition -65328, 32764 Ammo store Basic ammunition.
gridguide add RapidFire -65328, 32764
Renraku Arcology -17038, 8619 Corporate arcology Garage
gridguide add Renraku -17038 8619
Rollo's Cafe -65264, 32732 Cafe
gridguide add Rollos -65264, 32732
Seattle Center -65358, 32779 street Space Needle, Neophyte Guild
gridguide add Seattle -65358, 32779
Second Chances -65502, 32851 Clothier
gridguide add SecondChances -65502, 32851
Se-curo Ja -64600, 32400 Nightclub Garage. Heavy metal strip club with VRcade and Social bar
gridguide add SecuroJa -64600, 32400
Shoe-Fly -65360, 32780 Shoe store
gridguide add ShoeFly -65360, 32780
Slitch Pit -125612, 62906 Bar Garage. Various useful things. Popular hangout.
gridguide add Slitch -125612, 62906
Smith Linguistics School -65336, 32768 Linguasoft, skill trainer
gridguide add LinguisticsSchool -65336, 32768
Stuffer Shack -65404, 32802 Convenience store?
gridguide add StufferShack -65404, 32802
The Stop Gap -65416, 32808 Convenience store?
gridguide add StopGap -65416, 32808
The Top Shelf Bookstore -65302, 32751 Book store and jazz club (socialization bonus)
gridguide add TopShelfBooks -65302, 32751
Vashon Island Boutique -65334, 32767 Armor, armored clothing
gridguide add VashonBoutique -65334, 32767
White Flower Diner -65418, 32809 Restaurant (socialization bonus) Garage on the street
gridguide add WhiteFlowerDiner -65418, 32809
WIZ!!!!! -65370, 32785 Clothier
gridguide add WIZ -65370, 32785
Yoshi's -65502, 32851 Bar Yoshi's Trideoke and Sushi Bar
gridguide add Yoshis -65502, 32851
Zalensky's Electronics -65342, 32771 Electronics store
gridguide add ZalenskysElectronics -65342, 32771
Zoe Boutique store -65318, 32759 Armor, armored clothing
gridguide add ZoeBoutique -65318, 32759

Seattle SW

Location Coordinates Type Notes copy/paste
Biohyde -65072, 32636 Corporation Trespassers will be shot
gridguide add Biohyde -65072, 32636
Harbor Trucks & Vans -75014, 37607 Vehicle store Garage. Sells… trucks and vans.
gridguide add HarborTV -75014, 37607
Hellhound -65002, 32601 Bus terminal Bus route to Portland, Tir Tairngire
gridguide add Hellhound -65002, 32601
Novatech -120600, 60400 Corporate complex Garage. Many stores.
gridguide add Novatech -120600, 60400
Quinn's -65042, 32621 Bar?
gridguide add Quinns -65042, 32621
Reaper -65034, 32617 Bar
gridguide add Reaper -65034, 32617
Reggie's Hole-In-The-Wall -65018, 32609 Credstick recovery specialist
gridguide add Reggies -65018, 32609
Seattle Municipal Zoo -65156, 32678 Zoo
gridguide add Zoo -65156, 32678
Seattle Shalimar -65002, 32601
gridguide add Shalimar -65002, 32601
Seattle State Park -65146, 32673 Park
gridguide add SSPark -65146, 32673
Shintaru -19000, 9600 Corporate office Garage.
gridguide add Shintaru -19000, 9600
Smith's Pub -65132, 32666 Pub
gridguide add Smiths -65132, 32666
The Saint Agostina Home for Women -65116, 32658
gridguide add AgostinaHome -65116, 32658

Docks District

Location Coordinates Type Notes copy/paste
Entrance -25000, 12600 street
gridguide add Docks -25000, 12600
U-Stor-It -23000, 11600 Storage Garage. Storage is NERP
gridguide add UStorIt -23000, 11600


Location Coordinates Type Notes copy/paste
Airsoft Shop -58044, 29122 Airsoft store
gridguide add Airsoft -58044, 29122
Auburn -58022, 29111 street Central location where taxis drop you off.
gridguide add Auburn -58022, 29111
Auburn Center -79430, 39815 Mall Various stores. Has some good apartment storage furniture.
gridguide add AuburnCenter -79430, 39815
Auburn Paint and Panel -75036, 37618 Paint Shop Paint your whip
gridguide add Paint -75036, 37618
Circuit Couriers -58616, 29408 Courier service Courier jobs. Get a retina-secured credstick here.
gridguide add Couriers -58616, 29408
OfficeWorks -58600, 29400 Furniture store Footlocker holds 50kg.
gridguide add OfficeWorks -58600, 29400

Council Island

Location Coordinates Type Notes copy/paste
5-Way Intersection -18298, 9249 street Central location where taxis drop you off. Garage two rooms north.
gridguide add Council -18298, 9249
CI Hospital -18322, 9261 garage
gridguide add CIHospital -18322, 9261


Location Coordinates Type Notes copy/paste
Beverly Park Automotives -78448, 39324 Vehicle store Mid-range trucks
gridguide add BPAutos -78448, 39324
Bicson Biomedical -78570, 39385 Bioware store Variety of cultured bioware
gridguide add Bicson -78570, 39385
Casino Road Limousines -78564, 39382 Vehicle store Limousines!
gridguide add CRLimos -78564, 39382
Dadson Vision Entertainment -78488, 39344 Electronics store General electronics, ActiveSofts, LinguaSofts
gridguide add Dadson -78488, 39344
Ebey's Bar -78544, 39372 Bar
gridguide add Ebeys -78544 39372
Everett Beacon Mall -78506, 39353 Mall Various stores, including sporting goods
gridguide add BeaconMall -78506 39353
Gravity Bar North -78414, 39307 Restaurant
gridguide add Gravity -78414, 39307
Jason's Bar & Grill -78472, 39336 Restaurant
gridguide add Jasons -78472, 39336
Paine Field-Snohomish County Airport -17650, 8925 Airport Garage. Travel to the Caribbean League (with visa)
gridguide add EAirport -17650, 8925
Rubber Suit -78672, 39436 Nightclub
gridguide add Rubber -78672 39436
Stanley's RGA Emporium -78540, 39370 Gunsmithing store ammo kits
gridguide add SRGAE -78540, 39370
The Lore Store -78422, 39311 Magic shop Conjuring materials and library, various foci
gridguide add Lore -78422, 39311
Triple Tree -24802, 12501 Residence Garage. Middle 45k; personal garages for additional fee.
gridguide add TripleTree -24802, 12501


Location Coordinates Type Notes copy/paste
Federated Boeing Industrial Complex -60376, 30288 Garage.
gridguide add Renton -60376, 30288
Italiano -60298, 30249 Restaurant
gridguide add Italiano -60298 30249
Knight-Errant Training Academy -60250, 30225 Training facility Garage. Fights.
gridguide add KETA -60250, 30225
Murdered Mime -60298, 30249 Nightclub Filled with Yakuza.
gridguide add Mime -60298 30249
Tao Lounge -60256, 30228 Buddhist? Taoist? Jazz? Restaurant? Bar?
gridguide add Tao -60256, 30228


Tacoma East

Location Coordinates Type Notes copy/paste
BurnsCo Truck Stop -24604, 12402 Truck stop/vehicle store Has a truck store.
gridguide add BurnsCo -24604, 12402
Fenris Nacht -120476, 60338 Nightclub Tribal/shaman nightclub.
gridguide add Fenris -120476, 60338
Johnson NewBody Labs -3092, 1646 Cyberware/chip store Alphaware, betaware, Activesofts, Linguasofts
gridguide add JNBL -3092, 1646
Ketcham Building -3076, 1638 Office building
gridguide add Ketcham -3076, 1638
Knight Center -3038, 1619 Corporate towers Various stores. High-end weapons for a legal store.
gridguide add Knight -3038, 1619
Parker Center -3146, 1673 Shopping center Various stores.
gridguide add ParkerCenter -3146, 1673
Pook's Place -3060, 1630 Bar Owner and bartender are different people.
gridguide add Pooks -3060, 1630
Pharaoh -3120, 1660 Nightclub
gridguide add Pharaoh -3120, 1660
Star Sapphire Hotel -140608, 70404 Residence Garage. High 50k; personal garages available for additional fee.
gridguide add Sapphire -140608, 70404
West Tacoma Junkyard -4140, 2170 Residence Public Vehicle Workshop. Where wrecks end up.
gridguide add Junkyard -4140, 2170

Tacoma West

Location Coordinates Type Notes copy/paste
Afterlife -4144, 2172 Nightclub Split into three themed levels.
gridguide add Afterlife -4144, 2172
Beano's Collection Agency -4090, 2145 Collection agency
gridguide add Beanos -4090, 2145
Bryerson Medical Center -5026, 2613 Clinic
gridguide add Bryerson -5026, 2613
Chinatown -5054, 2627 Sub-area entrance Many stores, trainers. Pawn?
gridguide add Chinatown -5054, 2627
DeClerry's Bar -4174, 2187 Sports bar
gridguide add DeClerrys -4174, 2187
Evergreen Apartments -4402, 2301 Residence Garage. Middle 45k; High 150k; personal garages for additional fee.
gridguide add Evergreen -4402, 2301
Jameson's Mechanics -75000, 37600 Mechanic Garage. Vehicle mods, hardware, B/R training.
gridguide add Jamesons -75000, 37600
Jim's FixIt -4138, 2169 Repair shop Can fix your damaged gear.
gridguide add JimsFixIt -4138, 2169
Learson Shipyards -4008, 2104 Docks Access to Tacoma Ferry
gridguide add Learson -4008, 2104
Nybbles & Bytes -4114, 2157 Electronics shop Sells various decking-related tools, also credsticks
gridguide add Nybbles -4114, 2157
Oldtown Station -6000, 3100 Train station Garage. Contains diner, bar, bazaar
gridguide add Oldtown -6000, 3100
PJ's Coffee Corner -4002, 2101 Coffee shop NERP
gridguide add PJs -4002, 2101
Purple Haze -4118, 2159 Restaurant
gridguide add PurpleHaze -4118, 2159
Tacoma Coffin Motel -4090, 2145 Coffin motel Across from Beano's.
gridguide add TCoffin -4090, 2145
Tacoma Mall -4184, 2192 Mall Various stores. Post office.
gridguide add TMall -4184, 2192
Tacoma Weapons Emporium -5028, 2614 Weapons store
gridguide add TWE -5028, 2614
Velasquez Securities & Investments -4080, 2140 Bank Metahuman-friendly.
gridguide add Velasquez -4080, 2140
Vinnie's Drone Mart -4166, 2183 Drone store Garage
gridguide add VinniesDrone -4166, 2183


Location Coordinates Type Notes copy/paste
Banshee -50736, 25468 Bar
gridguide add Banshee -50736, 25468
Cabbie Connection -50980, 25590 Garage
gridguide add Cabbie -50980, 25590
Crusher 495 -50728, 25464 Bar
gridguide add crusher -50728, 25464
Downfall -50660, 25430 Mage bar
gridguide add Downfall -50660, 25430
Monohan Vehicle Retailer -17824, 9012 Hovercraft!
gridguide add Monohan -17824, 9012
Redmond General Hospital -51400, 258003 Useful Bioware
gridguide add RHospital -51400, 25800
Redmond Way Mall -50706, 25453 Mall
gridguide add RWMall -50706, 25453
Skeleton -50862, 25531 Nightclub
gridguide add Skeleton -50862, 25531
Yumago Yangnom Korean BBQ -50940, 25570 Restaurant
gridguide add YYKBBQ -50940, 25570

The Barrens


Getting to Puyallup by grid

You will need to be able to manually drive a bit to get there. The checkpoints require no visas.

Waypoint Name Coordinates Description
1 Border crossing, north
gridguide add PuyN -16216, 8208
Security checkpoint, north side
2 Border crossing, south
gridguide add PuyS -16222, 8211
Security checkpoint, south side
3 Reality Road
gridguide add PuyW -100044, 50122
Ramp: Reality Road, Puyallup West
4 Bywell Roundabout
gridguide add PuyE -4806, 2503
Ramp: Bywell Roundabout, Puyallup East

First head to waypoint 1. This is a security checkpoint between UCAS and Salish-Sidhe, a breakpoint in the grid.

Drive three rooms south on the I-5. Now we have grid access to Speedway 161, which has offramps to both sides of Puyallup.

To return, go to waypoint 2, then drive three rooms north. You have Seattle grid access from here.

Puyallup East

The following navpoints are inaccessible from most areas of Seattle, but might work internally

Location Coordinates Type Notes copy/paste
Roswell's Garage -75030, 37615 Drone mechanic
gridguide add Roswell -75030, 37615

Puyallup West


Go south in East Puyallup and take the road to the Coal Plains, southwest thrice, then east - you will then be at Tarislar

Location Coordinates Type Notes copy/paste
Blue Wyvern -9818, 5009 Bar
gridguide add Wyvern -9818, 5009
Saeder-Krupp Research Center -9850, 5025 Corporate complex
gridguide add SaederKrupp -9850, 5025


Closest gridnav to Redmond accessible from Seattle is -39726, 19963. Drive a bit southeast until the Burton Street exit. Once you hit the I-90 beyond the Redmond Barrens, you have grid access again.

Location Coordinates Type Notes copy/paste
Redmond -39726, 19963 Highway Gridnav point from Seattle
gridguide add Redmond -39726, 19963
Apartments -45210, 22705 Residence There are interesting shops nearby, to the north and east
gridguide add Apartment -45210, 22705
Moonlight Mall -28746, 14473 Mall Magic stores and training.
gridguide add Moonlight -28746, 14473



Midway between Seattle and Portland on the I-5, where there is no gridguide access. Mind the exit

Tir Tairngire


You can get your Tir Taingire visa from two autorun chains. Ask your local chummer. Show it to the mooks at the gate far south of Vancouver on the I-5

Location Coordinates Type Notes copy/paste
Portland Gate, south -35198, 17699 Gate Travel back to Seattle. Show your visa
gridguide add PortS -35198, 17699
Telestrian Habitat -48252, 24226 Residences Where the Elves live. 250k High-class apartments for rent here
gridguide add TelHabitat -48252, 24226
Lordstrums -66000, 33100 Department Store Where the Elves dress up. Starbucks across the way
gridguide add Lordstrums -66000, 33100
Hal's Garage -29216, 14708 Garage Trainer of many a useful thing. Many a 'useful' thing shop across from it
gridguide add Hals -29216, 14708
Portland Crime Mall -29208, 14704 Mall Many legitimately acquired goods. Watch out for snipers
gridguide add PCM -29208, 14704
TTBank -29220, 14710 Bank ATM here
gridguide add TTBank -29220, 14710
The Toadstool -29342, 14771 Bar
gridguide add Toadstool -29342, 14771
Thomason Auto Group -29596, 14898 Vehicle Shop Portland Auto Dealer
gridguide add Thomason -29596, 14898
The Cave -29246, 14723 Bar
gridguide add Cave -29246, 14723
Hellhound Bus Depot -29398, 14799 Bus Depot Go inside and wait for the bus back to Seattle
gridguide add PHellhound -29398, 14799
6th Street Parking -29340, 14770 Garage
gridguide add 6thparking -29340, 14770
Burnside Stuffer Shack -41602, 20901 Convenience Store
gridguide add BStuffer -41602, 20901
Burnside Bridge, West End -41600, 20900 Train Station Go down the stairs to access the Downtown Portland Max Station
gridguide add BBridgeWest -41600, 20900
City Center Parking -5500, 2850 Garage Parking garage and helipad.
gridguide add CCparking -5500, 2850
Rocco's Pizza -29460, 14830 Restaurant Hot Pizza
gridguide add Roccos -29460, 14830
Portland City Parking - O'Bryant Square -5408, 2804 Garage
gridguide add OBSparking -5408, 2804
The Satyricon -29222, 14711 Club/Bar Club to the East; Sisters of the Road Cafe to the West.
gridguide add Satyricon -29222, 14711



Accessible from Platform B in Paine Field-Snohomish County Airport, show your visa (show visa command)

Location Coordinates Type Notes copy/paste
St. Patricks International Airport -124234, 62217 Airport Travel back to Seattle. Show your visa
gridguide add Patricks -124234, 62217
Montplaisir Restaurant -124304, 62252 Restaurant (socialization bonus) Has a Johnson. This is where Near the bar is on where
gridguide add Montplaisir -124304, 62252
Pelagie Waterfront Apartments -124252, 62226 Apartments Cheap housing by the waterfront
gridguide add Pelagie -124252, 62226
Viltz Motel -124270, 62235 NERP Motel Like a Coffin Motel
gridguide add Viltz -124270, 62235

Prospect & Union

Location Coordinates Type Notes copy/paste
The Clinic -124436, 62318 Clinic Clinic.
gridguide add Clinic -124436, 62318
Fuselier's Fashion Faux Pas -124446, 62323 Clothier Wanna look like Jack Sparrow?
gridguide add FauxPas -124446, 62323
Cournand's Antiquated Weapons -124430, 62315 Weapons shop Antique melee weapons. Smith's Electronics is nearby
gridguide add Cournands -124430, 62315
Roadside Bike Shop -124412, 62306 Bike shop Some nice, unique (variant) motorbikes
gridguide add Roadside -124412, 62306

Waltham & Victoria

Location Coordinates Type Notes copy/paste
LeMaitre Medical Wares -124484, 62342 Cyberware shop Has some nice 'ware
gridguide add LeMaitre -124484, 62342
Victoria Marina -124472, 62336 Marina
gridguide add Marina -124472, 62336
The Mambo's Clutches -124548, 62374 Club Voodoo-themed nightclub. Has a Johnson for deckers
gridguide add Mambo -124548, 62374
Peyroux Car & Truck Dealership -124518, 62359 Car/Truck dealership Has some unique car and truck variants
gridguide add Peyroux -124518, 62359
The Grandmaion Casino -124550, 62375 Casino Gonna need an electronics kit
gridguide add Grandmaion -124550, 62375
The Victoria Police Station -124528, 62364 Police Station
gridguide add VicPD -124528, 62364
Red Shift -124524, 62362 Accessory Store Variety of High-end Goods
gridguide add RedShift -124524, 62362

Confederated American States


Location Coordinates Type Notes copy/paste
Nofolk International Airport -196004, 98102 Airport Flights to and from Seattle
gridguide add nORF -196004, 98102
Ares Wallops Island -196070, 98135 Spaceport
gridguide add NASA -196070, 98135
Someplace Else -196096, 98148 Restaurant & Bar
gridguide add Someplace -196096, 98148
Diego's -196042, 98121 Restaurant
gridguide add Diego -196042, 98121


Location Coordinates Type Notes copy/paste
Irwin Stevenson's -200512, 100356 Shop Some unique weapons and decorations
gridguide add IrwinS -200512, 100356
Mama June's -200530, 100365 Restaurant & Bar
gridguide add MamaJ -200530, 100365
Moe's -200428, 100314 Bar
gridguide add Moe -200428, 100314

Virginia Beach

Location Coordinates Type Notes copy/paste
Beach -196194, 98197 Beach Access
gridguide add Vbeach -196194, 98197