Datajacks are the most important piece of cyberware if you're a decker or a rigger, a literal
prerequisite piece of cyberware to function as either. It allows a full SIMSENSE interface via a 
datacable to available devices.

There are 3 types of datajack available:
Standard datajacks are sockets implanted in the head, normally behind the ear or in the temple. 

Induction datajacks are pads placed under the palm of the hand and linked to the brain. They are
used by placing the palm over a specially designed pad that is included when you buy the induction 
datajack. They are generally invisible.

Eye datajacks are implanted into cybereyes and require a total replacement of one eye. When not in
use the datajack is completly invisible but when used the sight in the one eye is lost, causing loss 
of depth perception.