LAW Here is a basic crash course on law in 2064. What laws are there now? What weapon is legal to carry in the streets? A good general rule of thumb is any weapon that is legal to carry in the streets of the United States today. Not very many. Knives under 10cm are generally legal, and are legal in 2064 UCAS (United Canadian and American States) territories such as the Seattle/Tacoma metroplex. Sinsearach and Council Island territories are generally more lenient, but the officials there generally will frag anything that looks out of place. The Tir Tairngire Peace Force guard their borders ferociously, so unless you want to take on their Paladin Corps trying to slip the border into Portland is generally not a good idea unless you got a good plan to get in there or have a special Visa issued by the Tir officials. Corporations with high enough pull in the world are considered extraterritorial, i.e. they are basically their own nation unto themselves. Therfore, jurisdicitons differ. A clever shadowrunner can take advantage of this by going onto megacorp territory when chased by Lone Star, then looking for a way out through another route to get back on the UCAS turf that Lone Star patrols. Lone Star may not respect your rights, but they do respect extraterritoriality and jurisdictions, as they do not want to start a corporate war. SINS also play a dominant role in the laws of the world of Shadowrun in 2064. If you do not have legal SIN (System Identification Number -- kinda like todays Social Security Numbers in the United States) you have no rights and do not exist. Getting a SIN is an easy process as you can get them at any government or Lone Star office for a bribe, er I mean fee (not having a SIN is a felony offense, neat huh?) and blammo you now have a legal SIN, and can work, play, and for you shadowy types get weapon permits and such. If you have a criminal SIN you can do very little legally and the cops go out of their way to make your life a living hell. If you have this problem, perhaps you can hire a decker to "upgrade" your SIN for you but it won't be cheap. As for the corporate front, remember a corp has legal jurisdiection over any part of its complex, if the law broken is not federal (then it becomes an FBI affair in the UCAS). So maybe it is legal to walk through Ares Macrotechnology's towers with a sidearm, but Renraku might geek you on sight for the same thing. Or worse, as corporate punishments do often tend to be worse than UCAS sentencing. You might end up getting 30+ years in a labor camp in some godforsaken hellhole of a country in Africa or Asia, where that corp's power is absolute. So to maximise your chances of operating, as a shadow of the sprawl, (or shadowrunner if you will), it is well advised to keep a very low profile, keep your gear hidden and stashed until you are on the run itself. Punishment in Tir Tairngire is even worse, as the Tir is officially a "constitutional monarchy" but in truth a dictatorship. Here are some areas that do not draw too much attention from the Lone Star, that are within the UCAS territory of Seattle: Puyallup Barrens Redmond Barrens Tarislar Ork Underground Chinatown As you read that list you will realize that they are all dominated by gangs, the Mafia, and the Yakuza. Security types don't patrol there very often, and tend to take a long time to get there if they show up at all. If you are being chased by the Star its probably a good idea to lay low in the Barrens or another place similar to it where they don't have much of a presence. Places like Downtown Seattle, the Airport, Tacoma, etc are more normalized (less metahuman) so they get more attention from the officials to keep out the "undesirables".