HOUSE Usage: HOUSE The HOUSE command is used to add or remove guests from your house's guest list. You must be standing in your house to use this command. Only the primary owner of a house (not guests) may change the guest list using the HOUSE command. Typing 'house' with no arguments gives a list of the people currently on your house's guest list. Typing HOUSE with the name of a player will add that player to your guest list if the player is not on the list, or will remove the player from the guest list if the player is already on the list. The player specified must be in the player database for the MUD, although he or she does not necessarily have to be logged on at the time. If a guest of your house has a key, they may use the automatic door opener while in a vehicle. Guests of your house will be able to enter your house until you remove them from the guest list. See Also: HOUSING, RETRIEVE, LEAVE, LEASE