DESCRIPTIONS DESCRIBE Your character's description is how your character looks, of course. We don't want to give you too many rules to cramp your style or ruin your own expression, but if you're struggling to start: The senses The most important senses regarding a character's description are sight and smell, as these are senses most (meta)humans pay attention to. The former deliberately, the latter (usually) subconsciously. First to back describing Doesn't have to be in that or any other given order, but we would prefer if all the major aspects of the character's "look" were described so people can get an impression. -What is their silhouette like? "Is he/she a short, stout elf or a tall slender dwarf, or just average?" -What color is their skin? Are they pallid and greasy, or olive-skinned and tanned? -What color is their eyes? -Do they have any distinguishing marks, such as scars, tattoos, et cetera? Keep in mind, not only do people go in for piercings but you are also capable of getting electric, light-up tattoos, fiber- optic hair installed, or other things that have no mechanical affect but would change your appearance and reasonably be available in cyberpunk. Contact staff if you wish to purchase customized cosmetic 'ware. -What color is their hair if they have any at all? -What is their style of dress? -Are they neat and tidy in appearance or ragged and grungy in appearance? People might be wearing identical clothes, but there is a world of difference between the two presentations, or any mix inbetween. See also: BACKGROUND, CUSTOMIZE, POSITION, FORMATTING, LOOK, BIOSCULPTING