CREDSTICKS Usage: ACTIVATE credstick TRANSFER credstick TRANSFER account Credsticks are the most common form of currency in 2064. They are commonly shaped like a pen, and all have a small display which shows the current balance of the credstick. Credsticks can basically be considered electronic money -- universally accessible and accepted, they take away all the hassle of paper money, and have built-in security measures of varying quality. Unlike paper money, however, credsticks leave a trail. Because of this, paper money is almost always used for the less legal activities. To use a credstick it you must ACTIVATE it and have it inside your inventory, but not in a container. If you sell things, nuyen might be deposited on a credstick in your inventory instead of in cold cash. If mobs can drop a credstick, they only have a 1/10 chance to do so to cut down on stockpile issues. See Also: ACTIVATE, CRACK, TRANSFER, TYPE, EXAMINE